Achieving Nonprofit Status
Most nonprofits are 501(c)(3) organizations, which means they are formed for religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or educational...
Small Business Accounting 101
An essential part of your business plan is being able to calculate your net income by identifying your business's revenue and expenses....
Small Business Registration | How To Register A Small Business
Having a business idea is a great first step to eventually creating what may become a full-fledged business. But in order to get there,...
Business Process Improvement (BPI)
The continual practice of reinventing an organization’s routines with the aim of improving efficiency. How to Implement BPI Start Small...
How Do I Construct Professional Emails
McKinsey and Company reports that emails consume over 25% of the average workweek. As email remains crucial for business communication,...
Small Business Insurance
Small business insurance is any insurance policy, singular or packaged, designed to protect you from the unexpected costs of running a...